Unelma Platforms second home is in Finland

Most of the people don't believe that a small Nepalese company can also have a second home in Finland. But Finland is no different. Finland loves Nepal and Nepalese people very much. Well, our founder has lived most of his life in Finland and considers Finland as a second home so basically our company, Unelma Platforms has found it's second home in Espoo, Finland. We are called Unelma Platforms Oy (which is equivalent to saying Unelma Platforms Pvt. Ltd.). A limited liability company so to say. You can see our business ID now publicly and get to know more about us. Of course, most of the company information is not disclosed publicly because of security and other business concerns. But we aren't hiding anything either. We are open and always aim to " empower people ", not " connecting people " like our friends at Nokia do here in Espoo .