e-Sathi API has been published on ProgrammableWeb
e-Sathi API has been published on ProgrammableWeb It is our pleasure to announce that the first initial version of e-Sathi API is now officially published in ProgrammableWeb. e-Sathi API lets you do a lot of cool stuff. It is based on the "social" category. e-Sathi API allows users and developers to retrieve pieces of information from e-Sathi e-Sathi API allows users and developers to retrieve pieces of information from our social networking website via GET request and supports the various parameters. Current API implementation is limited however we are working on releasing full-fledged RESTful API so developers can use them in their app development purposes. e-Sathi is a social networking site to discover new people, create new connections and make new friends. Here is how the correspondence reads from ProgrammableWeb: This email is to notify you that an API that you recently submitted e-Sathi has been approved for publication in ProgrammableWeb's