Unelma Platforms is Top 30 Innovative AI Solution Providers of 2018

We received a private correspondence from an EnterpriseTech Success magazine that read something like this, something to be proud of perhaps:

Artificial Intelligence has been in talks and news for a decade now, but off-late this space has picked up tremendously and has shown a rapid growth. Most of the organization from retail to fashion to education to banking and many more sector is deploying AI in every possible way to make their respective services user-friendly to customers. The simplest of an example is the replacement of human interaction to chatbots.

As AI is now in the top spot of technology, we at EnterpriseTech Success have focused our edition on AI space and we recognize the marvellous work done by Unelma Platforms in the AI sector.

AI procedures have been experiencing an upturn through new findings and improvements in computer power, large amounts of data, and theoretical perception. The AI procedures and techniques have become an essential part of the technology industry, helping to solve many challenging quandaries in computer science. We often pick up certain companies that bring in innovation into the industry like never before.

Over the last few weeks, our Editorial team has researched and shortlisted 30 finalists and we are happy to inform that you are one among them. We are amazed at the way Unelma Platforms is helping businesses with the smart AI Solution.


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