Updated: UnelmaCloud and UnelmaMovie

For those who don't know what is software, here is a brief definition of software update. Software Update: a bug fixes, a patch, fixes for features that aren't working, adding new features or minor enhancements for improvements. UnelmaCloud has been updated today with the following changes: - UnelmaCloud is now capable to preview spreadsheet (excel), powerpoint presentations (ppt, pptx) and word documents (doc, docx). - Folder view is now possible same like files view in UnelmaCloud - Users can now add their description for uploaded files and folders - UnelmaCloud has a new subscription page redesign - Several bugs were fixed (e.g. PDF preview works correctly on Microsoft Edge and other mobile browsers) UnelmaMovie too has been updated with several fixes. - Movie titles links were not clickable from the home page - Improved layout for series in the episode page - Several other enhancements and improvements have been done on Unel...