Potential Nomination Top 50 SaaS CEOs : Unelma Platforms
Today we got news from SaaS Report which is an online blog of everything SaaS that Unelma Platforms has been identified as potential nomination for 2018 Top 50 SaaS CEOs list. Here is the correspondence that reads: To: Unelma Platforms PR Contact As you may be aware, The SaaS Report publishes an annual Top 50 SaaS CEOs list. Prior year winners included Blackbaud , iCims , InsideSales.com , Gainsight , and Docusign , among many others. This year, we have identified Unelma Platforms and its CEO, as a potential nominee in our 2018 process. Nominees are among a select group of CEOs that have demonstrated notable achievements in the recent year. For some background, our distribution is comprised of approx. 25,000 professionals and investors in the software and SaaS industry, with extended media viewership exceeding 55,000 on our executive rankings. To nominate your CEO, please fill out a brief (3 minute) survey at 2018 Survey and let colleagues know to submi...