UnelmaPay has been officially verified by Facebook

Facebook has officially verified one of our emerging platform called "UnelmaPay" (or "UPay" in short). The official verification builds up trust among our customers and consumers alike. 

If you don't know what is "UnelmaPay", then our co-founder has written a research paper about it which is available from here.

In short, it is an online digital wallet which facilitates transactions from party A to party B. We have partnered with major third-party payment gateways to make life easy for consumers in the developing world. Some of our payment partners are big names in this industry, e.g. Paytm, PayPal, Payeer, advCash, among others. 

Of course, we also collaborate with local banks so that the online digital wallet works under the central bank purview and follows local regulatory practices. 

But one of the biggest social media company in the world verifying our official UnelmaPay page is a considerable boost to our morale. (As a side note, we are only the second fintech company after eSewa to get this verification badge in Nepal). 

Thank you, Facebook

UPay (unelmapay.com) is now officially verified. A blue verification badge confirms that this is an authentic Page for company or brand.

#upay #unelmapay #digitalwallet #onlinewalletnepal #verifiedpage #facebookverified #digitalwalletnepal #cashlessnepal #ekhalti


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