Updated: HaveWebsite.com

HaveWebsite.com has been updated to the latest and greatest version.  Now if you test havewebsite.com in Google "mobile friendly" tests it should now fully pass. This is a major release update. 

In this version, our developers have fixed following issues

Following new features has been added

  • Added five new template engine
  • Now you can resize Elements and images 
  • Now you can remove Element background (image or colour) 

Following items have been improved

  •  "New Project" page design  updated
  • Subscription page design updated
  • HaveWebsite templates will now be ordered by creation/update date
  • The Code editor dialogue is now draggable.
  • Menu manager fixes i.e. Menu for custom pages can now be created via menu manager.

Several bug fixes have been done

  • The index page will now always be selected by default when opening a new project.
  • Fixed an issue that sometimes prevented pages from being renamed.
  • Properly redirect a user to the project dashboard after successful subscription.
  • Undo/Redo functionality should now work with style changes (background, colour, shadow etc.)
  • Menu item reordering via drag and drop should now work properly in menu manager.
  • "Add item" panel in menu manager should now work safari


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