UnelmaSupport and UnelmaMail are updated

We have updated our support platform and email marketing automation platform. This new version update or patch comes with some handy features and set of tools for our customers. 

UnelmaSupport which now runs 1.2.1 version

- adding new ticket category
- native browser support and validation for forms
- tags support in the Unelma Support
- an offscreen issue with the support conversation page
- new open conversation feature
- a lot of help centre and design enhancements 
- a lot of UI fixes with dropdown, dialogue button and across the entire platform
- 404-page design and fixed an issue where sometimes the attachment was not previewing correctly 

UnelmaMail is under hyperactive development
-  List subscription notification is added
 - Verify subscriber email is added
- Fixed an issue where sometimes UnelmaMail cannot update system SMTP settings in some instances 
- Attached also a problem where automation not triggered for list subscription
 - A redirect issue for the subscription form is fixed
 - A  verify-email.org integration issue is also fixed  

There are more than fifty minor and trivial fixes and improvements. Thank you for all those customers who reported this issue. 


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