UnelmaCoin is updated

UnelmaCoin is cryptocurrency exchange platform. There are many exchange platform out there. However, UnelmaCoin is different not just concerning many exchanges that it accommodates but also the real banking transaction can be carried out through UnelmaCoin

We have now updated UnelmaCoin platform. Using UnelmaCoin, you can exchange your real currency to any digital currency. 

As our recent launch of UnelmaCoin, it supports:

- GDAX live trading with more than 18 exchange platforms. 
- Some of these exchange platforms have millions of users such as Binance, GDAX (i.e. Coinbase Pro), Kraken and many others
- The user can add their exchanges if needed
- Multiple localisations are now supported in UnelmaCoin (so it is available in English, Spanish, Hindi, Estonian and others language)
- UnelmaCoin also promotes leading payment gateway. However, as Stripe is banned in Finland for the cryptocurrency, we cannot trade using Stripe. But there are other alternatives such as PayPal, Coingate and others
- UnelmaCoin also support private blockfolio
- UnelmaCoin also supports phone push notification through the PushBullet app
- KYC is updated now through UnelmaCoin so every user must have to verify their identity to use the exchange and trading platform 
- UnelmaCoin has support for the native trading engine 

- Also now it comes with referral system so every user who refers to his friends and family whenever they sign up in UnelmaCoin and make a deposit for the first time will have a possibility to earn $5 commision. 

And there are more than 100 smaller improvements and bug fixes so please dive into UnelmaCoin and enjoy live trading through the platform. 


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