UnelmaMail has a new home page

We have been working on UnelmaMail for quite a sometime now. Last year we already launched UnelmaMail as Umail platform for email marketing automation without a landing page. So some people raised a valid question: how can you have a web app without a landing page? We were much more focused on developing the core app and not some fancy marketing landing page then. 

But now we have learned a business lesson. For any SaaS-based business, you must have a landing page and web app. And try to separate these two layers so that your marketing team can work on landing page whereas your technologists and developers can work on an application. 

UnelmaMail is the world's first AI-powered, full-featured, easy to use Email Marketing Automation Platform developed by Unelma Platforms. 

We can beat expensive service like MailChimp and Salesforce marketing hands down. If you run any of these expensive services, we offer you free package for one month. No credit cards required. No commitment. No hidden cost. No B.S. 

1000 email / day, 2500 contact or subscribers and no restriction on sending emails 

This year we launched a new version of UnelmaMail platform, and now it is already running version 3.0. With UnelmaMail you cannot just see some cool features like any other product, but you can do much more than email marketing.

It is built with open source technologies, and you can use RESTfulAPI to create lists, campaign and much more.  

So our GUI team has launched a landing page, and when you visit https://www.unelmamail.com, you can now see the cool landing page. 


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