fScraper.com crossed over 400+ customers worldwide

We are feeling proud to announce that today our fScraper.com - friendly scraper platform has crossed over 400+ customers worldwide. 

Most of the fScraper customers come from all around the world. We can see that there are more than one thousand active visitors coming at our fScraper platform whereby people are searching for the data daily.

The data is new oil paradigm is gaining a lot of momentum and those data that are hidden inside the walls of giant social media company can now be used to get more insights. 

Scraping itself is not a bad thing although it has caught the bad reputation among the general public. 

For those who don't know about fScraper.comfScraper is a smart web scraping and data extraction platform that extracts and generates data from Facebook pages, group, location, event, and searches. 

In addition to our customer growth, we have also updated the platform itself with the minor version update, i.e our fScraper version has been updated from 2.6 to 2.7 with minor changes such as:

  • We have fixed an issue where Facebook's API setting was missing the OAuth URL 
  • We have also fixed the page insights issue which was causing some concern for specific customers. 


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