Unelma Platforms supports net neutrality

We have always believed in free, open and borderless Internet access to billions of people around the world. As our mission is to "empower people" not just in developing countries where our headquarter belongs but across the globe, we believe that the free,  unregulated, unpermissible and fully non-authoritative Internet is a must. 

The same words of wisdom are also echoed by Sir Tim Berners-Lee who invented the worldwide web. This is what he has to say:

“When I invented the web, I didn’t have to ask anyone for permission, and neither did America’s successful internet entrepreneurs when they started their businesses. To reach its full potential, the internet must remain a permissionless space for creativity, innovation and free expression. In today’s world, companies can’t operate without internet, and access to it is controlled by just a few providers. The FCC’s announcements today suggest they want to step back and allow concentrated market players to pick winners and losers online. Their talk is all about getting more people connected, but what is the point if your ISP only lets you watch the movies they choose, just like the old days of cable?”

The internet was free when it was invented and let us not put any restriction on it. Let us not make "slow internet" which will jeopardise it's core mission and purpose. Let us not play politics with it. Let us not act stupid but smart in these kinds of policies and make a better decision for ourselves and the future generation. 


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