Unelma Platforms Launches SaaS-based Security Platform: uSecureMe.net

Unelma Platforms announced the launch of its new IT security platform, uSecureMe.net. uSecureMe is a web application with a set of straightforward and easy to use tools for any security professionals. The web application developed by Unelma team can be utilised both in traditional format (e.g., single use) and is also available in SaaS (Software as a service) setup.

uSecureMe can do many security-related tasks: domain lookup, hash generation, virus scan (with more than 50+ commercial virus software available to use), bulk credit card checks and validation and much more. For example, uSecureMe can check malicious codes written in HTML, CSS, PHP and other source files; it can also generate robustly, scan open ports (to see which ports are open and which are closed), etc.

Unelma platforms claim that uSecureMe is a most powerful security-based tool for security professional where it comes with a hash generator, useful monitoring tools, dashboard with stats, input sanitization, sites information and statistics tools, and spam protection.

uSecureMe is targeted at security managers, consultants and architects and also towards computer hobbyist and enthusiasts who want to secure and monitor their sites using the uSecureMe platform.

uSecureMe is a SaaS-based; an early beta version is launched to make web security tool free to everyone.

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Previously published on PR


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